Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fulfilling Goals

Today I had a stimulating conversation with my roommate Jared. We discussed goals relating to several life pursuits such as: school, finances, working, dating, church and community service, racquetball, and personal time. Jared asked how it is possible to achieve personal goals in each one of these pursuits when time is minimal. I didn't really know how to answer his question, except for relating an experience where I was previously spread too thin, and had to minimize and prioritize my commitments to adequately have enough time to accomplish my goals. I had to eliminate and readjust goals that I had strong desires to accomplish. It was sad to sacrifice and throw away the possibility of achieving those goals. This wasn't a very great answer... unfortunately.

I learned that it is extremely difficult to be sufficiently committed to many pursuits and fulfill the necessary requirements for each endeavor. Being semi-committed to 10 activities is not as effective as a full commitment to 3 activities. It gets tricky when it is impossible to throw out endeavors, because each are necessary to accomplish. Jared and I both feel that we have figured out the essential activities to pursue, but do we have to shrink our goals to justify a limited effort dedicated to each pursuit? This is definitely not a new question. I bet I could think of 1000 quotes as an answer to my own question, but what's the point of a blog if you can't discuss a frustrating dilemma like this! :)

I must apologize because usually I am an optimistic person and try not to discuss negative things, however as of late, my blog is turning into a whine site! Is it possible for a blog to bring out the worst in people?!

I wanted to use this article as an update into my life, but I started off on a small thought that turned into a HUGE tangent... that seems to be happening a lot lately ( sorry Chelsea!) Another goal to add to the list: in life, in discussions, in papers, and especially in my blog; I will always try to not be loquacious and make sure that I work extremely hard to be terse and to the point without redundancy, making everything clear, lucid, and easy to understand! <---- Just kidding, but seriously... I need to be more concise! Haha, again, I went off on a tangent... and I'm done! At least with the tangent... now I am back to the original goal of this post!

My life:

Schooling: RT intern at the USH: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM
Working: Route Scheduler: Four days a week 4 PM - 8 PM
Racquetballing: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6 AM - 7:45 AM
Dating: Whenever I can get a girl to say yes!

So,I have decided that I have to make SMART goals! Brilliant new idea I just came up with! Okay, not really, the idea has been around for a long time. I think that's it. Goal Accomplished!


At February 8, 2010 at 4:10 PM , Blogger Chelsea said...

your blog is not whinny! :) and i love your tangents. I am pretty sure that i have influenced the tangents because i can't seem to get through a whole story without branching off into some other completely unrelated story....anyway today i was...haha jk. Don't worry you are doing a good job :)


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